- About Us
- Adv. Kmeans/EM/Math/Code
- ANN – CNN – RNN – LSTM in Keras
- APIs
- APIs in Python
- APIs in R
- ARM Concepts
- ARM in R
- Association Rule Mining
- Basic Webpage Scraping
- Bayesian Methods in Python/Sklearn
- Certificates
- Clients
- Clustering
- Clustering in Python
- Clustering in R
- CNN – Conv2D – TF/Keras
- CNN – Images – Tensorflow/Keras – Conv2D
- CNN “By Hand” in Python vs. Keras
- Contact
- Creating n-gram Dataframes in Python
- Creating Training and Testing Data for Modeling
- Data Cleaning
- Data Cleaning and Prep
- Data Visualization in Python
- Data Visualization in R
- Decision Trees
- Decision Trees in Python
- Decision Trees in R
- Gates Bolton Consulting
- How to Use the Twitter API
- HOW TO: Git and GitHub
- Image Processing with Kernels
- Intro to Keras Example 1
- Kmeans By Hand in Python
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Linear Regression by Hand with Gradient D and Vis
- Linear/Multiple Linear Regression Sklearn/Python
- Logistic Regression by Hand with GD
- Logistic Regression Python/Sklearn
- LSTM Encoder-Decoder Language Translation NN
- LSTM NN Transformer English – Spanish Translation
- Machine Learning
- Machine Learning in Python
- ML Math
- MN Naive Bayes in Python for Text Data
- Naive Bayes
- Naive Bayes in R
- Neural Networks
- NN Example 3D Data Binary Label
- NN Multinomial – BP – CCE – One-Hot
- Preparing data in Python
- Preparing record data in R
- Prepping Record Data in Python
- Prepping Record Data in R
- Prepping Text Data in Python
- Prepping Text Data in Python
- Prepping Text Data in R
- Prepping Text Data in R
- Python ML with Stem, Lem, Vis, and More
- Python Programming for Data Science
- Quick Web Scrape with BeautifulSoup and Python
- R Code Example: Data Lifecycle in R
- R Programming for Data Science
- Regression: Linear and Logistic
- RNN-LSTM – Tensorflow/Keras – MNIST
- Sentiment Analysis with Log Reg, ANN, CNN, Word Embeddings (Glove and other)
- Services
- Simple PCA Using Python/Sklearn
- Sklearn Ordinal Encoder
- Stemming, Lemming, Norm – Text Data Prep
- Supervised Learning
- Support Vector Machines
- Survey Data Results Link
- TensorFlow/Keras
- Text and Record Data
- TF/Keras Example with Record Dataset
- The Ultimate AI-Based Job Hunting Web Tool
- Twitter API in Python
- Twitter API in R
- Twitter Mining and ARM with R
- Unsupervised Learning
- Working with Text Data
- XOR in NN