Prepping Record Data in Python

Breckenridge, CO

Below, you will find an option for cleaning and preparing record type data using Python and pandas.

Note that there are an infinite number of options and ways. This is one.

If you are looking for more complicated examples, choose other ML topics as each contains code that will show steps for preparing and analyzing data.

Finally, always remember that preparing and “cleaning” data is unique to each dataset and each goal. Cleaning/preparing is an active process that you must think about, plan, and create/do at each step.

NOTE: If you are new to Python, it might help to review the Python tutorials before using the following code.

### Data Exploration
### Data Cleaning
### Data Processing
### Gates

### This examples uses the Kaggle Titanic Training dataset. 
### This code shows how to read in a csv file and begin
### some cleaning options.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statistics as stat
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

## Data *always* needs to be cleaned and prepared
## Create an account with Kaggle so you can login
## Source:

## Once you download the data - save it as .csv
## Use a smart name. I used Titanic_Kaggle_Train_Data.csv
## Make sure you can see the dataset under File explorer

##### Bring the data in using pandas

## NOtice that I did not hard-code the filename
TitanicDF = pd.read_csv(filename)

## Check to see if this worked

## I notice right away that Cabin has a lot of 
## NaN values *and* does not contain information
## that I need. I also do not want to keep Ticket.

############  DROP a COLUMN

drop_these = ["Cabin", "Ticket"]

TitanicDF.drop(drop_these, inplace=True, axis=1)
## axis = 0 are the rows

## Let's see what this did - you will see that we now have only 10 cols

## We can also use the column number
## The "Name" column is column 3. Recall that Python starts at 0
## Let's drop the Name column as well
TitanicDF.drop(TitanicDF.columns[cols], inplace=True, axis=1)
## Now we have 8 columns remaining


## The next steps include looking at each variable individually
## We will determine if it has the type we want, or if it needs 
## to change. 

### PassengerId has type int64
### An ID is not numeric and so should not be an integer type.
### We can change this to character as it is a name of sorts
### but *NOT* a category.
## Do not forget - you must asign the df to the new type
TitanicDF["PassengerId"]= TitanicDF["PassengerId"].astype(str)

### The "Survived " column is very important. Why?
## This column offers a *label* for this dataset
## Because this is labeled data, supervised methods can 
## be applied to it later. 

###          !!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!     ##

## To use a label to train any ML methods, the label should
## be a "factor" / "category" data type. Not numeric or char, etc.

## So, let's change "Survived" from int64 into a factor
## category is a pandas data type 
## corresponding to categorical variables in statistics.
## A categorical variable takes on a limited, and usually fixed, 
## number of possible values (called levels in R)
## All values of categorical data are either in categories or np.nan

TitanicDF["Survived"] = TitanicDF["Survived"].astype('category')

## Now, we can move a bit faster....let's find all the variables
## that should be categories and change them all at once
TitanicDF["Sex"] = TitanicDF["Sex"].astype('category')
TitanicDF["Pclass"] = TitanicDF["Pclass"].astype('category')
TitanicDF["Embarked"] = TitanicDF["Embarked"].astype('category')

### Next, I see that "Age" is a float64 or 64 bit decimal value
## This is fine. Age is a numeric value, as is SibSp and Fare
## So - the data types have now been successfully corrected.

#########     DEALING WITH MISSING VALUES #################

## Missing values find there way into many places.
## A good first step is to explore  - see how many are there

## Get a list of all the column names
ColumnNamesList = TitanicDF.columns.values

## Print the number of missing values in all variables
for name in ColumnNamesList:
    print(name, ": ")
## Remember - you can double check anything you code
## by creating a small dataset and seeing if it works
## Results: this replaced NaN, NA, and blanks with NaN

## So - back to the missing data in our Titanic dataset
## Let's again look at one variable at a time

## From the results, we see that PassengerId, Pclass, Survived, 
## Sex, and Fare have no missing values. That is very good and 
## unusual. 

## However, "Age" has 177 missing values! That's a lot
## So I have 891 rows and 8 columns

## This means that 177 NA values is 177/891 or about 20%
## We have some options.
## First, we can remove all the rows with missing values. 
## If we do this, we lose about 20% of the data - not great!
## We can replace the values with a mean or median.
## This is risky - especially if Age is critical to the 
## analysis. 

## Because this is a tutorial - I will offer two examples:
## 1) We will remove all rows for which "Age" is NaN
## 2) We will replace the NaN values under Embark with the *mode*

### FIrst - update the NaNs under Embark to be the mode

## Pandas provides the fillna() function for replacing missing 
## values with a specific value.
TitanicDF.Embarked.fillna(TheMode, inplace=True)
## Count the NaN's again...

## OK - so far so good. Now we need to worry about the 177 NaN
## values under the Age column.

## In some cases, one might choose to retain these rows and 
## replace the missing values with the mean or median.
## However, Titanic data (and survival) is correlated to Age
## and we do not want to lose that!

## So, we will drop all row with NaN
## Check it now

#################   INCORRECT VALUES ######################
## The steps above are often easier. 
## Incorrect values are harder to find and harder to fix
## As a first step, let's explore the data

#### Step 1 - Look at each variable and some basics stats and vis
plot2=sns.swarmplot(x="Age",  data=TitanicDF, color=".25")
## To get plots to pop up and not be inline (the reverse...)
## Tools --> Preferences --> IPython --> Graphics --> Automatic

## Look at the min for Age!
## This is .42. That means there are some incorrect values and
## we will need to remove those rows.

## Remove any ages below 1 
## Because the max Age is 80  - we are OK there

TitanicDF=TitanicDF[TitanicDF.Age > 1]

## Look at all of the other variables to see if there are any issues

## The Fare is interesting...the max is very large - let's 
## use a boxplot to take a closer look
## We have some outliers!
## Let's count up the Fares that many deviations above the mean
## The "many" is subjective. I am playing safe

print(TitanicDF[TitanicDF.Fare > 400 ].count() )
## There are three Fares that are above $400 - let's remove these rows
TitanicDF=TitanicDF[TitanicDF.Fare < 400]
## This is good. We only removed three rows and the new max is 
## almost half the size it was before

## Our SibSp looks OK
## Let's make some plots for the non-numeric variables....

